Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
1.) “Because I’ve realized that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, or who you’re with, I will always honestly, truly, completely love you. “
- Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie
2.) “You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re with, and if you’re OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who could make you happy, really happy, dancing on air happy.”
3.) "Age is just a number, not a state of mind or a reason for any type of particular behaviour."
4.) “There aren’t many sure things in life, but one thing I know for sure is that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. You have to follow through on some things.”
5.) “Children need close friends to help them grow up, to discover things about themselves and about life. They also need close friends to keep them sane”
6.) "Today I love you more than ever; tomorrow I will love you even more. I need you more than ever; I want you more than ever."
7.) "I wake up in the morning and I feel like I'm missing something. I know that there's something not right, and it takes me a while to remember what it is... then I remember. My best friend is gone. My only friend. It was silly of me to rely so much on one person."
8.) “Note to self: Do not under any circumstances fall in love again.”
9.) “I’ve learned that home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.”
10.) “Our life is made up of time; our days are measured in hours, our pay measured by those hours, our knowledge is measured by years. We grab a few quick minutes in our busy day to have a coffee break. We rush back to our desks, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet your time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could. In other words, if you could change anything, would you?”
11.) “Life is funny isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about something, and feel like you know what direction you’re heading in, the paths change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south, and east is west, and you’re lost. It is so easy to lose your way, to lose direction. And that’s with following all the signposts”
12.) “I think I need to face what I could have been in order to understand and accept what I am.”
13.) “people who say its a long story, mean it's a stupid short one that they are too embarrassed and couldn't be bothered to tell”
14.) “what you don't know, you don't miss”
15.) “We have a long way to go to being the perfect couple, we certainly don’t live the fairy tale marriage, he doesn’t shower me with rose petals and fly me to Paris on weekends but when I get my hair cut, he notices. When I dress up to go out at night, he compliments me. When I cry, he wipes my tears. When I feel lonely, he makes me feel loved. And who needs Paris, when you can get a hug?”
16.) “I had a million plans. I knew what I was going to do. I had the next few years of my life all figured out. But what I didn’t know was that within a few hours all those plans would change. Ms. Know-it-all didn’t quite know it all so much then.”
17.) “There were hundreds of them spread across the floor, each telling its own tale of triumph or sadness, each letter representing a phase in her life. She had kept them all.”
“My dear Rosie,
Unbeknownst to you I took this chance before, many, many years ago. You never received that letter and I'm glad because my feelings since then have changed dramatically. They have intensified with every passing day.
I'll get straight to the point because if I don't say what I have to say now, I fear it will never be said. And I need to say it.
Today I love you more than ever; I want you more than ever. I'm a man of fifty years of age coming to you, feeling like a teenager in love, asking you to give me a chance and love me back.
Rosie Dunne, I love you with all my heart. I have always loved you, even when I was seven years old and I lied about falling asleep on Santa watch, when I was ten years old and didn't invite you to my birthday party, when I was eighteen and had to move away, even on my wedding days, on your wedding day, on christenings, birthdays and when we fought. I loved you through it all. Make me the happiest man on this earth by being with me.
Please reply to me.
All my love, Alex”
19.) "It's not gravity's fault that two people fall for each other."
20.) "You are always there for me, Alex, and I appreciate that. You keep me strong when I don't feel like it."
21.) "Because sometimes you don't see that the best thing that's ever happened to you is sitting there, right under your nose."
22.) "there's nothing you can do if you put your mind to it."
23.) "Just don't come whinging to me when you realize you're empty inside."
24.) "You wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could."
25.) “After all, soulmates always end up together. Silly Bethany won't even be remembered then. Ex-girlfriends are easily forgotten. Best friends stay with you for ever.”
(Watch the Love, Rosie trailer)